Wel ymgysura'n awr

(Dihangfa rhag Pechod)
  Wel ymgysura'n awr
    Fy enaid eiddil gwan,
  Sy'n cwrddyd bob yr awr,
    Â rhwystrau ym mhob man;
Mae Duw o'm tu, caf cyn ho hir
Weld fy holl feiau'n colli tir.

  Ni chollwyd gwaed y groes
    Erioed am ddim i'r llawr;
  Ni phrofwyd angeu loes
    Heb rhyw ddybenion mawr!
A dyna oedd ei amcan Ef -
Ein dwyn o'r byd
      i deyrnas nef.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [666688]:
Bethesda (<1835)
Gwladys (The Harmony of Sion 1735)

  Disgleiria fore wawr
  Fy Iesu yw fy Nuw
  Mae dafn bach o waed
  Ni chollwyd gwaed y groes

(Escape from Sin)
  See taking comfort now
    My feeble, weak soul,
  Which is meeting every hour
    With frustrations in every pace;
God is on my side, I will get before long
To see all my faults losing ground.

  The blood of the cross was not shed
    For nothing to the ground;
  Nor the suffering of the throes of death
    Without some great purpose:
And here was His intention,
To take me from the world
    to the kingdom of heaven.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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